Battery Waste Management

Battery Waste Management

EPR certification for Battery Waste Management

The Batteries (Management and Handling) Regulations 2001 were replaced by the Batteries (Management and Handling) Regulations 2022 on 22 August 2022, aimed at the environmentally friendly management of used batteries. These regulations apply to all batteries, including industrial batteries, automotive batteries, portable batteries, and electric vehicle batteries. Battery manufacturers (including importers) are required by law to collect used batteries, recycle them, and use the recovered materials to make new batteries. EPR requires that used batteries be collected and recycled rather than sent to landfill or incineration.

To meet EPR obligations, used batteries are collected, recycled or repaired by the manufacturer itself or another organization. To ensure that manufacturers meet their obligations, the regulation creates a central web platform and system for migrating EPR certifications. Regulations regarding the collection, recycling and repair of used batteries will encourage the development of new industries and entrepreneurship. EPR certification for battery waste management is mandatory for all battery manufacturers.

Scope of the EPR registration for Battery Waste Management

The Battery Waste Management Regulations 2022 (Regulation 4(4)) require all manufacturers, importers, processors, assemblers who manufacture, process, sell, acquire or use batteries or their components; Applies to dealers, recyclers, consumers and bulk consumers. To use the central online portal, you must register as a “Manufacturer” on Form 1(A). This standard includes all types of batteries, regardless of chemical composition, size, or shape. 

These laws do not apply to batteries used in devices that serve important security interests, such as: B. Weapons, munitions, munitions, equipment manufactured specifically for military purposes or space travel.

Documentation Required for Registration 

  • Gst Copy With Sign And Stamp
  • Authorized Person Pan Card
  • Authorized Person Aadhar Card
  • Company Pan Card
  • Company CIN Number
  • Company TIN Number
  • Consent To Operate (CTO) (Air/Water Act and Authorization) Under Hazardous Waste Rules. (If Involved In Production Facility)
  • District Industries Center (DIC) Registration Certificate
  • Import Export Certificate In Case Of Importer (IEC)
  • Gstr 9 / Balance Sheet Of Previous Financial Year.
  • Authorized E-Mail Id
  • Website Address
  • Mobile Number

Duties of the license/certification holder of EPR certification

  • We collect used batteries on schedule compared to new batteries purchased from OEM and wholesale customers.
  • Maintains the identity and characteristics of newly sold and recycled batteries.
  • State boards are required to submit Form I returns detailing sales and redemptions semiannually by June 30 and December 31.Set up collection points for used batteries to be collected individually or in bulk at multiple locations.
  • When recycling old batteries, only use approved recyclers.
  • Please arrange with your retailer for safe transportation between the collection location and a registered recycler.
  • Please be careful not to harm the environment during transportation. Through publications, posters, publications and other means, we will promote: Lead Hazards. 
  • Consumers are responsible for returning used batteries to a retail store or designated drop-off location. Reseller address and designated collection point 
  • Make sure your battery has the Global Recycling emblem on it. Purchase recycled lead only from approved recyclers. 
  • Violations by traders must be reported to the State Council or the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

New batteries should only be sold by authorized dealers.


Duties of Recyclers

  • If you have not yet submitted your registration application, please send the information in Form VI to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry or its authorized agency.
  • Registration conditions must be strictly complied with. However, those who have registered their recycling of used batteries with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry or other agencies required by the Ministry are also subject to these conditions and restrictions.
  • Annual income tax returns must be filed with the state commission using Form VI.
  • Make sure the State Council has access to all files.
  • Recovered lead must be labeled as “recycled.” Awareness campaigns, publications, posters, and other techniques should be used to inform the public about lead risks and the obligation of customers to return used batteries only to approved collection points or resellers of record.


 (Rule 4(i) and 7(i))

S.No.                                      Year Number of used batteries to be collected back
1. During the first year of implementation of rules 50% of new batteries sold
2. During the second year of implementation of rules 75% of new batteries sold
3. After the second year of implementation of the rules 90% of new batteries sold

Steps by step procedure to obtain BIS registration for battery waste management

  • STEP 1 – Submit required documents
  • When registering an EPR for disposal of waste batteries, our employees will request the necessary information and supporting documents.
  • Step 2 – Payment process
  • State taxes can be paid through the website after submitting the required documents. We will inform you about the payment procedure.
  • Step 3 – Real-time progress updates. Our staff will enable you to track the status of your application in real-time throughout the registration process. This feature provides transparency and keeps you updated on completed and pending orders. 
  • STEP 4 — Issue the certificate After reviewing the documents by our staff, your application will be sent to the CPCB, who will review it and issue the necessary certificates. Once the process is complete, your registration and certification will be sent to the email address you provided.

Renewal Procedure of EPR Authorization for battery waste management

A Form 5 renewal request must be filed at least six months before the license’s expiration date. Before renewing the recycler’s registration, CPCB personnel or other organisations chosen by the CPCB or the Member Secretary should assess the merits of each case.

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